



Register For Lone Star Football Nation


Parent or Guardian 1

Parent or Guardian 2

Additional Items Available

Player Meals - Varsity ONLY

$ 110.00

All meals combos will come with sandwich, chips, cookie, and a bottle of water.

Meal will be the same for the entire season.

Sandwich Choice *
Bread Choice *
Cheese *
Player Name *
+ Add to package

Team Dues

$ 45.00

Player dues are used for hydration, nutrition and team related expenses throughout the year.

Team *
Player Name *
+ Add to package

LSFN Booster Club Membership!


Show your prideā€¦be involved, Join Today!

Your membership dues help support the football program. All funds raised by the Lone Star Football Nation ensures that playing in the Lone Star football program is a rewarding experience for all players from the Varsity level down to the middle schools.

There are two membership levels which will allow you to be part of the program. There is an option to contribute to the program through donating.  

Senior Scholarship - Each year you are a booster member and you volunteer 5 hours your student athlete will earn credit towards their senior scholarship. The scholarship is $1,000 and will be sent to the university they will be attending.

Select Level *
If Silver Level, please select a size for booster member shirt.
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